Time has a way of turning items into modern-day mysteries. The thrill of discovering a lost item and sharing it with the world can be exhilarating, and for one woman, these discoveries can help heal families. Gerry Thompson has been a long-time registered nurse and had a career switch which has allowed her to focus […]
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Genealogy research helps Mississippi man find family lost cemetery
Genealogy has become one of the biggest industries in the world as many people are interested in finding out where their family ancestry comes from. Every day you can see a new commercial on television from places like Ancestry.com and 23 and Me, where individuals can go so far as to even submit their DNA […]
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New Albany’s first cemetery to receive restoration funding
Historic cemeteries are not just locations where ancestors are buried but also act as historical documents of who came before and how each person helped form the society of the local area, state, country, and the world today. And this fact is not lost on The New Albany Cemetery Restoration Advisory Board, who brought to […]
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